Monday 17 October 2011

Auto theft

Auto Theft is the criminal act of stealing or attempting to steal a motorvehicle, truck, bus, motorcycle, automobile.People steal cars for a number of reasons,either they lost their job or never had one and need a quick way to get cash fast.They would strip the car parts and sell them separately, such as radio, motor, wheels, etc. Another reason is simply just so they have a way of transportation, to get around place to place.  The most common place for your vehicle to be stolen in Canada is Winnipeg, with the highest rates of car theft. The most common type of vehicle to be stolen is a 2000 Honda Civic Sir 2 door.

How much Auto theft is happening In Canada (rates)

Chart 1 Police-reported crime rates, Canada, 1962 to 2010\
Methods of Protection:
Some ways you can reduce the chances of auto theft is closeing all windows and locking doors,installing an alarm system with a kill switch, installing a ignition or fuel switch, parking in a well-lit locations and avoiding isolated areas, having a vehicle tracking sytem, removing all valuables, locking fuel cap, steering wheel locking device, and never leave your vehicle running unatended.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Sexual Behaviour

Explain how sexual behaviour could be socialized in males. Do you think that males who commit sexual assault are "hyper masculine"? Why and where do men learn "hyper masculine" behaviour?
I believe that men who commit sexual assault are hyper masculine, because they feel the need to have power
and control, they like the exciting factor that they get from danger. Hyper masculinity is the belief that violence is manly and have a callous sexual attitude. Men may do this because they are insecure and feel the need to prove something of them selves. Most men learn masculinity from their family, if they grow up in an environment mostly dominated by men then they are taught to be more "manly". Males can also learn this from friends, peers at school, and any other male figure they look up to. Hyper masculinity can also be instinctive and natural for human beings.

Story Sexual Assault:
In this story a 65 year old man sexually assaulted a young woman on a plane, she was an airline passenger while she slept in a blanket seated next to him. He was sentenced to a year in prison and fined $10,000. Some motives or reasons he may have committed this are evolutionary factors,male socialization,psychological abnormality, and social learning. His action could have been instinctual, or he may have jsut learned this as a child. Either way it does not give him the rigth to sexually assault anyone.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Marc Lepine.

Marc Lepine murdered 14 woman, only at the age of 25. Lepine was a troubled young man and had a traumatic childhood growing up. His father was abusive towards him and his younger sister, he also was a sexist. His father believed woman had no purpose and was incapable of doing the things men could do. Lepines parents separated when he was 7 years old, he and his sister lived with other families and saw their mother on weekends. Lepine was considered bright,but had difficluties making connections with his peers and family members. He could never connect with people or create a relationship. He complained about women working in non-traditional jobs, and after separating men and women in a classroom, he shot the women, claiming that he was fighting feminism. He then moved into other parts of the building, targeting women as he went, before killing himself. His suicide note blamed feminists for ruining his life. I think that his actions come from his home life as a child growing up, he had violence in his family and was brought up to believe that women were worthless and were below men, he had a strong hatred towards women. 

Monday 3 October 2011

Clifford robert olson jr. and Mark lapine.

Clifford Robert Olson Jr. was a serial killer, he sexually assaulted and murdered eleven people under the ages of eighteen. Even though Olson had been accused of many other murders the only one he confessed to was Judy Kozma in 1981, and was charged with first degree murder. The police didn't have enough evidence to charge Olson with the ten other murders. Olson made a cash for bodies deal with the police hoping they would take his offer. He proposed to give eleven bodies for 100,000 dollars in exchange, the money would go to his wife and infant son. In the end, Olson pleaded guilty to the public and was locked away for the rest of his life. Olson died at the age of 71 on Friday September 30, and was apparently died of cancer. As a young child Clifford grew up as the "bad seed" he was the eldest child and lived in a small house in Vancouver. In his teenage years he started committing crimes such as robberies and theft. In 1974 he sexually attacked a 17 year old fellow inmate, after being released he then assaulted a 7 year old girl in Nova Scotia. This was only the beginning of his sexually deviant and murderous criminal activity. For Clifford Olson killing was a sport he got a thrill from torturing others. People like Clifford Olson allows us to learn things, such as how we shouldn't take life for granted and to be aware that there will always be people like Clifford Olson.